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Invest Wisely, Create a Hedge Against Inflation

April 12, 2022


Commercial Real Estate Prices

And the race is on!  Which will go higher faster? Gas Prices? Inflation? Interest Rates? Property Appreciation?  Property Values were in the lead, up by 21% annualized over the past 12 months, but are these returns sustainable?  “Commercial property prices have stopped going up,” said Peter Rothemund, Co-Head of Strategic Research at Green Street. “这与去年相比变化很大,但看看收益率曲线就很容易看出原因. 自去年12月以来,10年期美国国债收益率上升了100个基点,借款成本也上升了100个基点, 无论是抵押贷款还是房地产投资信托基金发行的无担保票据, are up even more.”  However, 重要的是要记住,商业地产应该是一个长征, not a short sprint, 尽管自2020年新冠疫情以来,我们经历了一段不错的冲刺.    房地产的真正收益来自于长期的复合价值, 经过多年的精心保管和管理.


短期内有一件事是肯定的,那就是不确定性. 这个国家显然正在进入一个增长放缓的时期, 在经历了过去两年的迅猛发展之后,我们还能期待什么呢. However, 更高的利率肯定会影响房地产市场, as are the supply chain problems, including the unaffordability of developable land.  我听说抵押贷款利率要降到5.75%之后房地产市场才会真正停止,现在是4.75% now.  而更高的借贷成本至少会导致商业地产价格停滞不前, 封顶率的压缩实际上有所增加, 很大程度上是因为寻求投资的“膨胀”资金. Alternative investments such as cash, which loses value at the rate of inflation, 股市现在看起来也很不稳定.  每个人都知道,房地产是一个很好的通胀对冲工具,因为它是一种硬资产,租金至少可以在通货膨胀率下上涨, causing values to rise.  Consequently, commercial real estate has been, is now, 而且很可能仍将是一个非常热门的投资天堂.

Soft Landing or Recession?

但是,如果我们真的陷入衰退,会发生什么,因为美联储不能设计所谓的软着陆?  软着陆意味着他们将利率提高到足以冷却过热的通货膨胀, but don’t tip the economy into a recession.  If the FED engineers a Soft Landing this year, it will be one of the few times, ever, that they pulled it off. 今年的不确定性,已知的和未知的,都不太可能帮助他们完成任务.

Metropolitan Growth

My response is that God Blessed (Central) Texas!  奥斯汀是美国发展最快的大都市区.S. and San Antonio is third place, with Phoenix #2.  我们的圣安东尼奥-新布朗费尔斯大都会区增长了1%.4% last year, and has now reached 2.6-million residents.  增长主要集中在新布朗费尔斯和科马尔县,去年的增长率达到了惊人的7%, according to estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Co-Star Insight said, “Combined, 德克萨斯州中部的两个主要市场比菲尼克斯以外的任何地区都欢迎更多的新来者.  尽管事实上其他九个地区的面积比大奥斯汀和圣安东尼奥加起来还要大.”


So, 人口膨胀对我们绝对有利, 看来,即使我们在未来一两年经历放缓或轻微衰退,商业房地产投资和开发仍将保持积极态势.

Retail Center Market

The retail center market remains tight with a 4.7% vacancy rate, according to NAI Partners.  Foresite Research表示,“圣安东尼奥的平均多租户零售要价上限率……是6%.46%, down from 7.0% in Q3 2021.” However, in Austin the cap rate is under 6%.  在圣安东尼奥,有近100万平方英尺的建筑正在建设中,2021年将交付近100万平方英尺. Now comes Kroger Grocery to our market, 你可能还记得几年前他们关闭了这里所有的店.  They are bringing a new concept apparently, 他们在工业区开设配送中心,只提供直接送货上门的服务, 绕过昂贵的零售商店,如HEB和沃尔玛. 他们正在使用机器人和人工智能来完成在线杂货订单.  这将为购物者创造一些非常有趣的动态.

Industrial, Investment, and Office Markets

In San Antonio, 工业地产的封顶率目前在4%左右,投资地产供应非常短缺.  然而,写字楼市场的空置率却从10个上升了.9% last year to 12.据NAI Partners的数据,今年的涨幅为1%,租金每平方英尺上涨约30美分,至22美元.04. There is currently about 1.4-million square feet under construction.

Property Taxes in Texas on the Rise

物业税的增加仍然是租户成本上升的一个重要因素.  而在过去的两年里,估价区觉得他们是温和的, because of Covid, 他们提醒大家今年将会很艰难, considering increases in property values.

Cap Rates in San Antonio and Austin

圣安东尼奥的公寓房价上限在4%左右, down from the 5’s last year, 而在奥斯丁,工资帽率是两位数(这不是印刷错误).  我们知道一个建筑商把他的业务搬到了新布朗费尔斯,因为他在首都再也找不到可建造和负担得起的土地了. Wanna start an argument? 告诉新布朗费尔斯的人他们是“南奥斯汀”.布达和凯尔早就接受了这是他们的命运,也许圣马科斯也是如此.

Austin Residential Market

我最近和奥斯汀的一个房产经纪人聊过.  It is the general “wisdom” that you must offer $10,就为了让你的名字出现在一处可用房产的帽子上.  Last weekend, she put a property on the market for $599,000, 他收到了多个报价,最终合约在那个周末以720美元的价格成交,000!  Keeping Austin weird, my friend.

But God has blessed (Central) Texas, indeed!      

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